This Striking Planet Was Found By A 17-Year-Old, Just 3 Days Into His NASA Internship

Have you ever worked as an intern in your life? If yes, you might know the hectic work that you have got to do. You might have done all the jobs that were ignored by everyone. Perhaps, making coffee and hauling around boxes full of documents. But, it's not the same with this 17-year-old Wolf Cukier, a NASA intern from New York. This teenager ended up discovering something amazing just 3 days into his internship at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt in 2019. He succeeded in finding a brand new planet which is located in a distance of 1,300 light-years from the Earth. This planet has a unique pastel-colored look and it was named the TOI 1338b. The pastel-colored designs on the planet have made it look like a bomb.

17-year-old Wolf Cukier ended up founding the newest planet of all.

Image credits: NASA Goddard

Wolf explained that he will look forward for more details that were requested by the volunteers, during an interview with CNN.  “About three days into my internship, I saw a signal from a system called TOI 1338b. At first, I thought it was a stellar eclipse, but the timing was wrong. It turned out to be a planet,” said the intern.

This specific planet seems to orbit 2 stars making it circumbinary.

Image credits: NASA Goddard

Image credits: NASA Goddard

“One is about 10% more massive than our Sun, while the other is cooler, dimmer and only one-third the Sun’s mass,” described NASA Goddard. The novel planet is about 7 times larger than the Earth. Newly generated images of TOI 1388b were recently released and they are really mesmerizing.

Here are some of the recently released generated pictures of the TOI 1388b. Most of the people fell in love with these fantastic images.

Image credits: paintwater_boba

These stunning pictures have grabbed the whole attention of Twitter within seconds gathering more than 1.2 million likes in just a few days.

The striking images of the planet collected more than 1.2M likes and 224k retweets within a few days.

Image credits: paintwater_boba

Image credits: paintwater_boba

Image credits: paintwater_boba

All these pictures have been created with the help of a bot as there are no telescopes with the ability to capture such a distance clearly. “That won’t change in the next 50 years, realistically,” stated one of the Twitter users. 

11/Post a Comment/Comments

  1. It might be worth mentioning that the pictures are an artists impression of the planet. We cannot see any detail and the discovery was by indirect means and inference from patterns in light spectra.

    1. +1. A necessary criticism of the presentation and article, that unfortunately confuses the information around this young person's exciting discovery.

  2. Pete... it says it was created with a bot

  3. Wow this is great, I know there is something out there! Just look at all the things we have here on earth, that no one has answers for, some one or thing put and built all this stuff. We don't even know how they did it. I think that most is way older than what they are saying, or even know

  4. Does it have two moons by chance?

  5. He might have spotted the planet but these pictures are phony. What did Pluto look like before NASA's New Horizons passed by? a DOT. This planet is to quote Carl Sagen "billions and billions and billions and billions" of light-years away! Thus it is a dot even through the very best telescopes. We can now spot a glimpse of the atmosphere as the planet passes in front of the star but that's all folks!!

  6. But the headline is deceptive ." This striking planet was found by a 17 year old ." Then there are pictures of the planet illustrating the headline without explanation. It says image credits NASA Goddard . So yes the truth might have been buried downstream in the article but the misinformation was intended.

  7. Intern's discovery was real, images are clearly and deliberately false. It was discovered by a slight and regular drop in stellar luminosity as it transited the primary and perhaps the secondary star similar to what the Kepler space telescope was designed to capture. timings of the transits could produce a mass. not much more can be gleaned at this time. The intern made a real discovery, the fakery that follows takes away from its significance.


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