has many different methods of recovery from any harmful change, with or without
the present coronavirus
lockdown surrounding the world.
new exemplary activity of such, has been identified since the scientists assure
that a hole with the width of 1 million kilometres above the Arctic has now
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A rare
hole in the ozone layer, spreading beyond 1 million square kilometre in
region, was found by scientists before this month. The hole was identified to
be an impact of low temperatures at the north pole. If this blockbusting hole
hadn’t moved south with the air currents, it would be a direct threat to
Climate Change Service (C3S) which was implemented on behalf of the European
Commission along with Copernicus’ Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) have
stated that the hole above the north pole has recovered by now. And also a
tweet which was posted by the agency recently explains the causes behind the
The unprecedented 2020 northern hemisphere #OzoneHole has come to an end. The #PolarVortex split, allowing #ozone-rich air into the Arctic, closely matching last week's forecast from the #CopernicusAtmosphere Monitoring Service.— Copernicus ECMWF (@CopernicusECMWF) April 23, 2020
More on the NH Ozone hole➡️
the recovery of the hole in the ozone layer of the Earth has no connection with
the reduction of pollution due to the current quarantine lockdown. They point
out the reasons as the polar vortex - high-altitude currents which bring cold
air to the polar regions.
ECMWF states that this year’s polar vortex was highly powerful along with very
cold temperatures in it. This has affected the creation of stratospheric clouds
that harm the ozone layer due to their reaction with the CFC gases. It’s noted
that the usage of CFC gases by humans was totally prohibited by the Montreal
Protocol in 1987.
present, the hole of the ozone layer has become normal due to the weakening of
the polar vortex. According to the predictions of the Copernicus ECMWF it will
form again without affecting the ozone layer in the same manner next time.
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said that these types of holes in the ozone layer are usually generated above
the South and Antarctic Pole, mostly during the austral spring, July to
September as the coldness of the stratosphere is naturally high around that
reason for the hole in the ozone layer above the Arctic at present is the
consistent and strong polar vortex and it results in more collection of ozone
depleting chemicals than normalcy level. It’s argumental if this significant
change in the ozone layer has any relation to the climate changes on Earth.
of the information: India
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