are born with eyes sensitive to light, closing instinctively to shield
themselves. As we age, our eyes continually adapt and change. In elderly
people, eyes often appear dull as their energy wanes, signaling the nearing end
of their journey. Conversely, children's eyes are particularly fascinating and
vibrant, radiating an inner light that reflects their boundless energy and







Abdullah Aydemir, based in Istanbul, captures this unique vitality. Istanbul, a
city of contrasts with its mix of wealth and poverty, diverse nationalities,
and cherished street cats, provides a rich backdrop for his work. Aydemir
believes the most compelling subjects aren’t found in studios but on the
streets, especially children whose bright eyes serve as beacons to the weary
and lost.





views children's radiant gazes as symbols of unbridled creativity and
excitement for the future. This youthful energy, evident in their eyes,
inspires a desire to explore, create, and live fully—qualities often lost in
adulthood. Children remind us of the essence of life, encouraging us to
reconnect with our own inner light.





his photos, many of the children appear dirty, with scratches and bruises,
embodying the carefree and active nature of childhood. These candid, unposed
shots capture genuine emotions, making the light in their eyes all the more
striking and authentic.
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