“Older Woman” Who Took Prince Harry’s Virginity Steps Forward: All You Need To Know About Sasha Walpole

Prince Harry's book, Spare, became an instant success upon its release on January 10. Now, about a month later, the initial buzz has settled. However, those who expected it to serve as a peace offering to his family were sorely mistaken.

The rift between Harry and the British Royal Family appears to be even deeper since Spare was released. Nevertheless, Harry's fans are thrilled with the abundance of personal stories in his memoir, including the account of how he lost his virginity.

Harry wrote in detail about how he lost his virginity in a field behind a pub at age 17 with an “older woman.” He never specifically disclosed her identity, and as such, rumors have been abound.

Then, just days ago, a lady finally stepped forward. Her name is Sasha Walpole – and now she’s chosen to share more intimate details about what happened on Harry’s big night.


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been in the spotlight for years. Their departure from the Royal Family divided fans of the monarchy. Some believed the couple should be free to live as they wish and not be "forced" to remain within the royal sphere against their will. Others argued that Harry should have dedicated his life to serving the crown.

Prince Harry & Meghan Markle’s rift with the royals

As Harry and Meghan settled into their new life in the US, some members of the Royal Family believed Harry had made a mistake. This reportedly includes Prince William, whose reservations about his brother date back further than Harry's move across the Atlantic.

In the 2019 documentary Kate v. Meghan: Princesses at War?, royal expert Katie Nicholl claimed that William was not particularly happy about Harry and Meghan's relationship before their 2018 wedding. Harry, on the other hand, felt that his older brother wasn't doing enough to welcome Meghan into the Royal Family.

"William was quite concerned that the relationship was progressing so quickly. Being close to Harry, he was probably the only person who could say to him, 'This seems to be moving quickly, are you sure?'" Nicholl said.

She added, "I think what was meant as well-intended brotherly advice just upset Harry. He's very protective of Meghan. He perceived it as criticism. He saw his brother as not fully supporting their marriage, and I don't think things have been quite right between them ever since."

Naturally, tensions didn't ease when Harry and Meghan participated in the now-famous Oprah Winfrey interview. The couple alleged that an unidentified member of the royal family had expressed concerns about their son Archie's potential skin color. Moreover, Meghan stated that she did not receive support from the royals regarding her deteriorating mental health.

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Since the Oprah interview in 2020, Harry and Meghan Markle have been vocal about their opinions regarding the Royal Family.

Harry’s revelations in ‘Spare’ book

In December, with the debut of their new Netflix documentary series, they continued to voice their disillusionment with their former royal life.

A recurring theme is Harry's sentiment that no one welcomed Meghan into the Royal Family. In fact, the Duchess herself has confessed to feeling somewhat excluded.

Earlier this year, when Harry released his memoir, Spare, the narrative took an even more dramatic turn. Within the book's pages, the prince recounted his entire life story, from growing up as a royal to the aftermath of Princess Diana's death, his military service, and the rift with his brother, William.

Furthermore, he criticized several members of the Royal Family, including Kate Middleton and his stepmother, Camilla, as well as William and Kate, for being more welcoming towards him when George was young.

Many have found Harry's book intriguing, as some of the revelations reveal a side of the Prince that fans have not been accustomed to seeing.

Conversely, the revelation that he wrote about Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis, expressing fears that they might end up "just like him," has unsettled more than a few individuals, including a royal expert.

Royal author Ingrid Seward openly cautioned him against further discussing the future of William and Kate's children.

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"Harry should refrain from commenting on Prince William's children. In fact, he should refrain from commenting on anyone and keep quiet now," she said. "It's a very risky path to start discussing other people's children."

She added, "And what he claims Prince William said to him is absolutely correct – they are William's responsibility, not his, so he should stay out of it."

"It's none of Harry's concern. However, Harry has become a threat to his family and to himself because he can insert his comments whenever he pleases."

Harry’s relationships & girlfriends over the years

While Harry's book delved into serious and at times tragic chapters of his life, he also devoted space to lighter themes, such as his past romances and girlfriends.

Harry even recounted the story of losing his virginity to an "older woman," whose identity has now reportedly come to light.

From 2004 to 2010, Harry was engaged in one of his most enduring relationships when he and Chelsy Davy became a couple.

It was said that the two met when Harry was on his gap year in Cape Town, but in Spare, he disclosed that they had actually met earlier and reconnected while visiting Africa in 2004.

Harry discussed their relationship, which he contended had two distinct sides: one during their time together in Africa and another in the UK.

In 2010, the couple parted ways, with Harry citing a lack of privacy as the reason. Additionally, he felt that Davy would have had to change significantly to adapt to royal life.

"The whole world isn’t built to endure constant scrutiny, and I don’t know if Chels could handle it, and I couldn’t ask her to," Harry wrote in Spare, alleging that the paparazzi had even installed a tracking device on her car.

“I understood she put her freedom first”

Consequently, Chelsy Davy felt that she prioritized "freedom first" over the highly public life she would have had with Harry in the future.

"Chels insisted she wasn't certain if she was ready for all of that. A lifetime with someone constantly in the spotlight? What could I tell her? I would miss her deeply, but I understood her prioritizing her freedom. If I had the choice, I'd want to live that way too."

Throughout his life, Harry has witnessed the impact of the British paparazzi on women entering the royal circle. Princess Diana was one example, Kate Middleton another, and of course, then came his wife, Meghan Markle. The press delved deep into each individual's personal life, seeking out sensational stories—often distressing details that readers would eagerly consume.

The women Harry dated after Chelsy Davy shared similar sentiments toward the media, believing that a life under such intense scrutiny was simply overwhelming.

A year after his split with Davy, Harry started dating Florence Brudenell-Bruce. However, it wasn't until he released Spare that Harry officially acknowledged his relationship with "Flea."

Prince Harry and girlfriend Chelsy Davy on May 5, 2008, in Windsor. Photo by Anwar Hussein/WireImage

They enjoyed a "idyllic" few weeks together before the press began publishing stories about them. Eventually, Harry disclosed that Florence's mother advised her daughter to terminate the relationship.

Harry’s last girlfriend before meeting Meghan Markle

"Flea's mother was the one who advised her to end it, warning her that the press would ruin her life. 'They'll hound you to the gates of Hell,' her mother said. 'Yeah,' I told my friend. 'Mums do know best,'" Harry wrote.

Before Harry met Meghan Markle and committed, he was also involved with Cressida Bonas. Regrettably, their romance didn't endure, yet Harry and Cressida's relationship ultimately held significance on another level.

At that time, Harry had just embarked on his military career. Naturally, he couldn't spend as much quality time with his then-girlfriend as he desired, while she, simultaneously, was striving to establish herself as an actress.

Their relationship endured for two years before it became public knowledge.

In Spare, Harry disclosed that Cressida was the first person he felt comfortable crying in front of when discussing his mother's passing. He felt "indebted" to her.

"Wiping my eyes, I thanked her," Harry expressed. "She was the first person to help me break down that barrier, to let the tears flow. It was cathartic, it deepened our connection, and introduced an element uncommon in previous relationships: profound gratitude. I owed a great deal to Cress."

Florence Brudenell-Bruce. Photo: Shutterstock

Harry and Cressida remained close friends. When the Prince married Meghan Markle in 2018, Cressida attended the wedding.

Harry reveals how he lost his virginity in ‘Spare’

Over the years, Harry was romantically linked with several other women. However, it was ultimately Suits actress Meghan Markle who captured his heart.

The revelations about his past romances intrigued readers of his book. However, it's another, more intimate section that is now attracting all the attention.

Harry disclosed and provided details of when and how he lost his virginity in his book—and now the woman he was with has shared her side of the story.

The experience, at age 17, was quite something, with the Prince detailing how he lost his virginity in a field behind a pub – with an older, horse-loving woman.

“A humiliating episode with an older woman who liked macho horses and who treated me like a young stallion,” Harry wrote about the experience, which occurred when he was a student at Eton in 2001.

"A swift ride, after which she smacked my rear and sent me off to graze. Among the many things that felt off about it: it took place in a grassy field behind a bustling pub. Clearly, someone had witnessed us."


Naturally, there was widespread curiosity about the identity of the mystery woman, and the British newspapers wasted no time in launching their investigations. One woman who was approached was former model and avid horse enthusiast, Suzannah Harvey. However, in an interview with The Times, she denied any involvement.

“Not me. Not guilty. Ha!” Harvey said.

Sasha Walpole steps forward as the “older woman”

Initially, the identity of the woman Harry had been with was not revealed. Then, just days ago, Sasha Walpole chose to come forward.

Upon the release of the tell-all book—featuring Harry's bombshell revelation about losing his virginity—Sasha felt compelled to inform her father that she was the one mentioned.

In an interview with The Sun, Walpole disclosed that she had only previously confided in her mother about her intimate encounter with Harry. The pub where Harry claimed to have lost his virginity was the Vine Tree Inn in Wiltshire.

"I am the woman who took Harry's virginity. It was a spontaneous moment between two friends. It was passionate and intense because it was something we shouldn't have been doing," Walpole said.

She continued, "We went outside and both climbed over a three-bar fence to get to the field. We were quite intoxicated at that point. I offered Harry a cigarette. I lit mine and then his. We finished our cigarettes—Marlboro Lights—and it just happened. He started kissing me."

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Sasha mentioned that neither of them uttered a word while it occurred.

"It was exhilarating that it was happening. It was thrilling that it was unfolding as it did. We were away for 15 minutes, but the intercourse lasted about five minutes," she explained, noting that they had to return separately to the pub.

“My friends saw me and started laughing”

However, upon reflection, she realized it was "probably more noticeable."

"I went back over the fence through the garden. Many people were outside since it was kicking-out time by the time we finished. My friends saw me and started laughing. I didn't have my belt, and it's quite obvious when you return a bit disheveled from a field," she recounted.

She added, "We had been gone about 15 minutes, long enough for security to start worrying about where he was."

Sasha is only a few years older than Harry. She had worked at the stables at then-Prince Charles' residence, Highgrove House, and admitted that she and Harry were "mates." At that time, Harry and Sasha had reportedly known each other for about two years.

Earlier in the evening, the two had been drinking tequila and sambuca while celebrating Sasha's birthday. After that, they never communicated again.

"Harry and I never texted or called each other after that. I didn't mind. I wasn't embarrassed," Sasha said.

Neil Mockford/GC Images

"Was I disappointed he didn't call? No. It was just the circumstances; we weren't in a relationship, so there was no need to call each other," Sasha explained.

Sasha Walpole says it’s “awkward” reading what Harry wrote

Shortly after The Sun broke the story, Sasha spoke to the Daily Mail and questioned the Prince's decision to write about his first time. She mentioned that while she didn't mind him writing about the event, she asserted that it wasn't as glorious as he had portrayed it.

"I don’t understand why he went into such detail. He could have simply stated that he lost his virginity and left it at that," Walpole remarked.

"He has invaded my privacy by including this in the book because I intended to keep quiet about it. If it wasn't mentioned in the book, none of this would be happening," she expressed.

She also conveyed to The Sun: "It's uncomfortable because of how Harry depicted me smacking his bum, very cringeworthy. The issue escalated because of how Harry wrote about it. That's why I find myself in this situation."

Sasha also noted that she has received tremendous support from her parents since revealing her identity.

"Harry has made it public," she stated. "My parents are primarily concerned about my safety. They just want me to be safe."

What are your thoughts on this? Do you believe Harry made the right decision by sharing this story?

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