“Beauty has no size, no skin tone, no
hair color, no eye color, no facial features, no muscle definition… for we are
all uniquely beautiful and the standards are unreal.” – Anonymous
is one of those societal standards that shouldn't even be a standard, and yet,
here we are. Every decade, a new concept takes over, and everyone starts
scampering to fit in with whatever's considered the best. In the 1950s, during
Marilyn Monroe's reign years, blonde hair and light skin were in vogue. It
almost didn't matter what your body type was; you'd scale through a lot of
hoops if you fit into the major criteria. In the '60s, people adored willowy
women with an adolescent physique. The '80s were crazy about athletic, curvy
women with toned arms. The '90s wanted their women extremely thin with
translucent skin.

2000 to date and backed up by scientists (of all people), the perfectly
beautiful woman must have large breasts, a large butt, an iron-flat stomach, a
thin waistline, thigh gaps, and flawless skin. Think Jennifer Lopez, Beyoncé,
Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner, and it somehow doesn't matter how this perfect
body was achieved.
the latest craze with big butts and boobs, fashion companies and modeling
agencies have retained the 90s standards, still insisting on extremely skinny,
tall women with well-defined facial features. Think Olga Sherer, Kim Noorda,
and Kaia Gerber. So many women have put themselves through some of the worst kinds
of pain to achieve this ultra-thin body size, but thankfully, strong statements
are being made for a review of these standards.
Breasts, a Thin Waist, and Large Hips Although the concepts are similar,
science has a more specific idea of what the ideally beautiful woman should
look like.
to researchers from the University of Texas, the truly beautiful female body is
geared toward the 2000s standards. The ideal woman is 1.68 meters tall, with a
bust, waist, and hip size of 99, 63, and 91 cm, respectively. That's also 5'5
ft. tall, with a bust, waist, and hip size of 38.9, 24.8, and 35.8 inches,
you thinking of someone who has these statistics right now? Well, think Kelly

Ann Parsons, professionally known as Kelly Brooks, is an English model,
actress, and media personality. Kelly fits the scientists’ description
perfectly and has progressively made massive waves in the fashion and modeling
industry. Regarded as a style icon around the world, the 40-year-old was
crowned FHM’s
sexiest woman alive in 2005 and has been modeling since she was 16.
didn’t always have a smooth run in her modeling career. She was occasionally
rejected by agencies for being considered “too plump“. They always wanted
the thinnest women available and Kelly just didn’t fit the description.
while still running a successful career fueled by advertising campaigns for
major companies, Kelly is the poster girl for perfection, according to science.
so special about the 99-63-91 spec?
past and recent studies have proven that males are predominantly more attracted
to curvier females.
is because the male mind subconsciously links youthful curviness to fertility.
Attractiveness is heavily based on the ability to procreate, and in light of
this mentality, the most attractive women are those who look most suitable for
childbirth. This is where the term “childbearing hips” stems from.
99-63-91 body with a height of 1.68m possesses these so-called fertile and
youthful characteristics. However, in reality, several factors would determine
a woman’s level of fertility, and only a small part is dependent on body type.
Anybody could deal with infertility issues despite her size, although obesity
has been found to contribute to infertility, miscarriages, and pregnancy
complications in women.
scientists might have a point somewhere, although beauty will always be highly
relative and dependent on a person’s standards.
truth you should know about the preferred body type in modeling
to Jennifer Lee, a fashion expert who worked with Chanel’s top designer, the
late Karl Lagerfeld, models are chosen solely based on the clothes they would
modeling and fashion industry is not exactly interested in any beauty standards.
Skinny ladies are mostly chosen because they are less likely to distract an
audience’s attention from the clothes.
Lee explains that if curvy women are employed to showcase clothes and market
accessories, people would end up fawning over their bodies rather than the
conclusion, beauty is abundant in everyone, and we should all strive to be
people who do not conform to unrealistic and human-defined beauty standards.
Imagine what the world would look like if we all had one body type, one skin
color, one hair color, or even the same facial features. It would be a very
boring, drab place with no tasteful diversity. This means that everybody type
matters, and women can hold their heads high and love themselves to bits
because we are all perfect in our own way.
“ The
history of the ‘ideal’ woman and where that has left us.” CNN.
Jacqueline Howard. March 9, 2018.
Strip Down to Their Underwear to Protest Outside Victoria’s Secret Store in
London.” People.
Maura Hohman. December 7, 2018.
curvy body is like a drug to men.” NCBI.
Jeraldine Phneah and Charles Q. Choi. February 10, 2010.
“ Obesity
as disruptor of the female fertility.” Reprod
Biol Endocrinol. Erica Silvestris, Giovanni de Pergola, Raffaele Rosania,
and Giuseppe Loverro. 2018.
Soruce: https://mysticalraven.com
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