Video of this Golden
Snub-Nosed Monkey eating berries went viral in April 2021, just few days after
it uploaded to YouTube by the channel “Golden Monkey”. Indeed, you can see the
obvious reason behind it. The video is adorable. There are so many videos about
Snub-Nosed monkeys on the channel but this particular video, the video of this
chubby monkey eagerly accepts and eats berries from the camera operator went
viral surpassing all others.
These monkeys are
originally from central and southwest China. They live in mountainous forests
at elevations of 1,500 to 3,400 above sea level. Their natural habitat is
covered in snow for up to six months where those weird looking snub nosed face
comes in handy. Though no one knows their real purpose is, some experts suggest
that they must have evolved them as an aid for living in cold environment that
they live. They think it helps them avoid frostbite that extreme cold causes.
Basically, the
Golden Monkey channel is there for acknowledge the public about this endangered
monkeys. Snub-noses are endangered primarily due to habitat loss and
fragmentation. Losing their forest homes and food sources because of
deforestation hit them hard.
If you don’t know
this is real, it surely looks like a movie character that made with CGI. People
were so keen to know more about the video. So many people have asked about the
whereabouts the monkey is and which species they are. Here we brought you all
the answers you need before you even ask the questions and below is the video
we were talked so much. You are more than welcome to share this with your
friends and family. Spread the joy!
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