adorable rodents that are originated from Andes mountains in South America
which look so much like a mouse-squirrel hybrid. Somewhat familiar to rabbits
too. They were nearly driven extinct because of the demand for their
luxuriously soft fur. Saddest part is, to make just one coat it requires
more than 100 chinchillas dead. They are really dense, their fur. You know
humans have only, like one hair per follicle? Well guess what? Chinchillas have
between 60 and 90 per follicle. It really helps them survive in colder
environment they live in.
As the photo
provider for this article, he is Cameron Holmes from UK and this guy lives with
these adorable creatures. There is more than one chinchilla with him. What a
life! Somehow chinchillas are very sociable animals. They live in colonies in
the wild and those colonies have over hundred individuals. In our advance, that
makes us humans to make friends with them rather easy. Moreover, they really
enjoy having snacks and taking naps. Makes it much easier to befriend them
since we have so much in common.
Although, don’t let
their chubby look fool you. These animals are really agile. They can jump up to
six feet in the air. It’s like more than 30 times of their height. But if you
ask us to do a comment on them, we would say, “Just look at those perfectly round
butts! So fluffy.”
Some animal
protection organizations are against them keeping as pets though, saying that
their needs cannot be fully met in captivity. But you can try. What are your
thoughts on that? Leave us a comment. And please make sure to show these
adorable creatures to other people too. Spread the joy!
Image credits &
further info: instagram | facebook | camchinchillas
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