She Dedicated 14 Years Capturing Incredible Photographs Of The World's Most Ancient Trees

In our surroundings, there are many amazing and beautiful trees. The majority of the plants we see in our daily lives as we go about the neighborhood or on our way to school or work have a variety of values, and there are also old trees on our planet that are hundreds of years old. People should take the time to admire these trees as well as the natural environment.

Many of us are preoccupied with our daily activities. We don't have time to think about the things that aren't essential to us. Many of us are talking on our phones while traveling. We get business calls, important messages, and a constant peek on Facebook, a casual peek through Instagram, and many of us don't even see the face of the person sitting next to us on the bus or train. As a result, they rarely see the trees or blooms.

“Stop and smell the roses” is a saying that may be used on a variety of roads and can be used to value anything in nature. For example, massive ancient trees.

Beth Moon is a San Francisco-based photographer. For nearly two decades, she has been searching for the world's oldest trees. She has traveled the world for a long time in search of the most beautiful trees that thrive in rural places and appear to be as old as the earth itself.

“As the world's largest and oldest living monuments, I hope these symbolic trees will take on more significance, especially at a time when our focus is geared toward finding better ways to live with the environment,” Moon writes in her artist statement.

A book named "Ancient Trees: Portraits of Time" featured sixty of Beth Moon's duotone pictures. Here is a review of the book, which is full of the most exotic and dazzling trees ever.

Road of the Baobabs

The soil street between Morondava and Belo Tsiribihina in Madagascar is bordered by many rare and ancient baobab trees, creating a scene so beautiful and unique that it could become Madagascar's first recognized natural monument.

Credits: Beth Moon

The Bufflesdrift Baobab

This massive tree near Lephalale, Limpopo, is more than 800 years old and is one of South Africa's five largest baobab trees.

Credits: Beth Moon

Yews of Wakehurst Place

Some unusual uncovered tree roots tumble over the stone arrangement in Ardingly, England, United Kingdom, where ancient Yews are growing along the highest points of these cliffs.

Credits: Beth Moon

Heart of the Dragon

The Socotra dragon tree, sometimes known as the dragon blood tree, is a dragon tree native to Yemen's Socotra Island in the Arabian Sea. It's said to be because of the red sap produced by the trees.

Credits: Beth Moon

The Ifaty Teapot

The tree is thought to be around 1200 years old and can contain over 31000 gallons of water. Madagascar's capital, Toliara.

Credits: Beth Moon

Rilke’s Bayon

The Angkor Wat temple in Cambodia is a testament to one of man's most awe-inspiring and painful engineering feats. The temples are currently abandoned and partially ruined. The religious structures have been preserved in their original state, as an example of what an uncontrolled tropical forest will do to an architectural landmark when human hands are removed.

Credits: Beth Moon

For those who are curious, the oldest clonal tree is Pando, which is estimated to be at least 80,000 years old, and the most deserted tree that we think about is a variety of Pinus Longaeva that is 5,062 years of age.

Visit Beth Moon’s website. For more information on ancient trees.

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