Couple Goals: 15 Animals That Have a Lifetime Relationship

It’s so touching to see a couple stick together over the years, through good times and poor.

There are certain characteristics that one must possess to be able to hold another person near in order to have anything like that in one's life.

People look for three qualities in a person: trust, patience, and communication.

But, hey, we have the right to do so and will if we so choose. But have you ever considered the relationship between animals and their long-term companions?

Fidelity is not a trait that all species possess. According to the World Wildlife Foundation (WWF), about 5% of all mammal species and 90% of bird species are monogamous, meaning they select a partner and stay with them through good times and bad.

1. Lovebirds


Lovebirds, as their name implies, are highly affectionate animals. They, on the other hand, dislike spreading the love: These colorful birds, according to Smithsonian, mate for life after reaching sexual maturity at about 10 months of age.

2. Albatross


The albatross is another species that is known for being monogamous. These world travelers marry for life and are extremely devoted to their partners. Spend some quality time with an albatross to see what true dedication is like.

3. Gibbons


Gibbons are a group of primates that includes 19 different species. All 19 of these animals, however, have one thing in common: they all mate for life. These small apes "pair up for life and form a family that stays together until the offspring grow up and leave home," according to the WWF. It's almost as if fully grown adults leave home after they've established themselves as self-sufficient adults!

4. Barn Owls


Barn owls are extremely loyal animals. If these adorable birds find their mate, they're set for life, according to the National Wildlife Refuge System in Willapa, Washington. While the female barn owl looks after the nest, the male "brings food to the female and chicks."

5 .Beavers


Do you want to be a great partner? Act as if you're a beaver. These rodents mate for life, according to PBS's Nature Works, and only seek out new mates if and when the first dies. Until death do us part, that is!

6. Gray wolves

Jeff Lepore/Photo Researchers

The alpha male and his mate, with whom he stays for life, lead wolf packs in a strict social hierarchy.

7. Seahorses


Monogamy isn't just about land animals. The seahorse is one of many marine creatures that mate for life, according to the US Fish & Wildlife Service. And here's a fun fact: the male in these monogamous couples is the one who gives birth to the children.

8. Bald Eagles

The bald eagle is another bird species that mates for life. This national bird uses nest-building to strengthen its relationship with its partner, according to the National Audubon Society. The organization says, "The couple continually adds to the structure, so that after several seasons it assumes gargantuan proportions and serves as a sign of their fidelity."

9. Macaroni penguins

Serge Ouachée

The majority of macaroni penguin breeding pairs are monogamous. When they see each other, they put on a "ecstatic display," according to researchers. The male stays with the chicks until their eggs hatch, while the female goes on a food search.

10. Sandhill cranes


This is another species of bird that has been observed to form bonds between couples. They sometimes use a technique known as "unison calling."

11. Geese


Geese are really serious about their intimate relationships. Take, for example, the Canada goose: This water bird is so loyal to its partner, according to Citizens for the Preservation of Wildlife, Inc. (CPW), that it would "place itself in danger" to protect them. When one of the members of a mated pair is hurt, the other will protect them before they recover or die.

12. Prairie Voles

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One relationship book is titled Make Love like a Prairie Vole for a reason. These tiny rodents are snuggling champions. While oxytocin (the "love hormone") is a part of their key to marital bliss, prairie vole partners often collaborate on things like building their nests, raising their babies, and more throughout their lives.

13. Elephants

Though elephants do not have life partners, the elephant family sets a high bar for maternal loyalty. Male elephants live alone, while female elephants live in large family groups, either with their own offspring or with other female relatives and their young. Elephant herds devote a lot of their time and resources to raising and defending their calves.

14. Crows

Crows search for the one unique bird with whom they can spend their lives, and some lucky crow couples have been together for decades. Babies spend about seven years with their parents, and older birds in the family assist the parents with childcare. Crow families often collaborate to create their nests, but the males are wise enough to leave the final decision to the females.

15. Coyotes


Coyotes are one of the most loyal animals on the planet. The findings of a coyote fidelity analysis were published in National Geographic, concluding that "these canine relatives are faithful to their mates and never stray." Never in a million years... These candies are loyal in good times and bad.”

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