Cukier, a high school student recently discovered a new planet during the third
day of his NASA Goddard Space Flight Center internship.
joined NASA at age 17 in 2019. Then he examined the variations in the
brightness of the stars observed by the TESS or Transiting Exoplanet Survey
Satellite of NASA. While engaged in that process he was able to discover a
brand new planet 1,300 light-years distant from us on Earth.
credits: NASA Goddard
“I was
looking through the data for everything the volunteers had flagged as an
eclipsing binary, a system where two stars circle each other and, from our
view, eclipse each other every orbit,” said Cukier. “About three days into my
internship, I saw a signal from a system called TOI 1338b. At first, I thought
it was stellar."
This brand
new planet is now named the TOI 1388b. The significance of this planet is, it
orbits not only one star but two. One star is expected to be 10% larger than
the Sun while the other one is expected to be cooler and dimmer and ⅓ of the
credits: NASA Goddard
credits: NASA Goddard
The planet
is about 6.9 times larger than the Earth. It's quite similar to the size of
Saturn and Neptune. NASA had released some generated pictures of TOI 1388b
which were featured in lavender, soft purple, bubblegum pink, and light green
that these are just samples and not real since they were created with the help
of a bot. Yet we do not have telescopes to resolve all the planets in our solar
generated, these pictures are incredibly amazing!!!
credits: paintwater_boba
credits: paintwater_boba
credits: paintwater_boba
credits: paintwater_boba
The planet
grabbed the whole attention of the internet. Image
credits: voss71833152 Image
credits: B4DDESTBARB Image
credits: LoveAlw28s Image
credits: growitheflow35 Image
credits: Nekomo428110 Image
credits: missdjcandy
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