changes make a lot of disastrous incidents around the world. Loss of food
production, rise of sea level, extinction of animal and plant species are some
such bad changes. Things get worse day by day and thus future generations will
have to experience the worst part of global warming.
due to global warming are experienced daily. The notable rise of the sea level
indicates the arrival of the bad situation. Islanders are the ones who will
suffer this problem the most. They have a great threat to get drowned due to
the increase of the sea level. Apart from this, many places are exposed to
rising heat too. This has caused a terrible impact on agriculture.
The Arctic
region is the most affected part of the Earth. They have observed a rapid
melting of snow due to the increase in the heat. We hope that the following
pictures will be helpful for you to understand the ongoing situation in the
Aral Sea


The Sans
Blas In Panama

Bridge Orville

Arctic Ice

Muir Glacier


Do you
think that climatic changes only affect humans? If so, you've made a mistake.
This phenomenon has a very bad impact on fauna and flora in the world. Aquatic
creatures experience the worst part of it. Please be alarmed since things are
getting dimmer than expected.
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