A Heartbreaking Discovery On The Romanian Coast: Wounded Dolphin Washes Ashore

Tourists on the Romanian coast were astonished by an unexpected sight in the water. Amid the waves, a wounded dolphin was carried to the shore.

Efforts were made to rescue the dolphin by pulling it from the water, but sadly, it did not survive. According to experts, the dolphin belonged to the Delphinus Delphis species.

Multiple wounds were found on its body, most likely caused by fishermen’s nets.

In the Black Sea, three species of marine mammals are found:

  • Common dolphin (Delphinus delphis ponticus)
  • Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus ponticus)
  • Harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena relicta)

Black Sea dolphins exhibit distinct morpho-anatomical features and have different primary food sources. The bottlenose dolphin and harbor porpoise primarily consume fish and other benthic organisms, while the common dolphin feeds on fish and other organisms found in the water column.

These dietary preferences influence their habitats: bottlenose dolphins and harbor porpoises are mainly found in coastal areas, whereas common dolphins are typically located in offshore zones.

The common dolphin is characterized by a bluish-gray to brown dorsal side with a very light V-shaped lateral boundary. A pigmented band of varying darkness connects the lower jaw to the pectoral fins, while the dorsal, pectoral, and caudal fins range from black to gray-brown.

Newborns measure about 0.80-0.95 meters, and in the Black Sea, adults don't exceed 2 meters (males – 177 cm, females – 159 cm). They are very sensitive to chemical and acoustic pollution. Typically, they form groups of 10-15, but can also be found in pairs or alone. They swim quickly, reaching speeds of about 50 km/h, and often perform short dives, surfacing to breathe every 1-3 seconds. They inhabit waters up to 70 meters deep.

Sexual maturity is reached at 2 years, with a gestation period of 10 months and weaning at 4 months. They display strong maternal instincts and live for about 25-30 years. Their diet primarily consists of small pelagic fish like sprat, anchovy, and gobies, as well as crustaceans. Other species such as horse mackerel, cod, bluefish, red mullet, sea bass, shrimp, and mollusks are also common in their diet, with a daily intake of around 10 kg.

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