‘Relationship Expert’ Wants Parents To Get Baby’s Consent Before Changing A Nappy

One thing we can be sure of in life is that everyone has an opinion. Some may even strive to express their opinions as loudly as they can, even if only a few are truly listening.

The internet truly empowers anyone to voice their opinions for the world to hear. Interestingly, the more peculiar the opinion, the more attention it tends to garner.

That's precisely the scenario one expert is currently facing due to their unconventional advice for parents. As a self-proclaimed relationship expert, they suggest that parents should seek permission before changing a diaper.

We acknowledge the multitude of consent-related discussions in today's landscape, which can be challenging to navigate. However, for many parents, seeking a baby's permission before changing a dirty diaper is simply inconceivable.

Frankly, most parents aren't thrilled about the inevitability of changing diapers, but they understand it's essential for their children's well-being. Introducing the additional step of seeking permission beforehand seems excessive.

The individual behind this assertion identifies as a "sexuality educator, speaker, and author" named Deanne Carson. Her unconventional advice for parents has stirred significant attention.

She appeared on ABC in 2018 to impart these insights. While she mentioned that this practice is typically reserved for children above the age of three, she also emphasized the importance of introducing the concept of consent at a much younger age.

She acknowledges that babies may not be capable of providing verbal consent, but suggests that they should be able to communicate nonverbally through eye contact and other means.

She argues that it's about establishing a culture of consent within the household, suggesting that parents should inquire if it's okay to change the diaper before proceeding to do so.

Carson elaborated on the process, emphasizing that giving a moment for anticipation and waiting for any nonverbal cues can facilitate deeper communication between parents and toddlers.

One of the most intriguing aspects was the reporters' response to the suggestion. They not only expressed themselves vocally but also pondered what would occur if the baby declined.

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