woman kept her wedding dress a surprise until the big day arrived. Opting for
an unconventional gown, she was eager to unveil it to her loved ones. The
reaction she received was unexpected, prompting her to respond assertively to
the critics.
her wedding day in November 2022, Camille Lescai had a clear agenda: to make a
bold statement. With a shroud of secrecy surrounding her gown, she instructed
her guests and bridal party to don white attire, setting the stage for an
auspicious ceremony.
unconventional request became clear as attendees watched her glide down the
aisle. Cloaked in a stunning and distinctive gown valued at approximately
$4,400, she epitomized her individuality flawlessly. Yet, despite the bride's
elation, her choice faced criticism from numerous netizens.

days following Camille Lescai's enchanting wedding in Sydney, Australia, she
posted a brief clip of her grand dress reveal on TikTok. With around 300
followers, primarily friends and family, she was astounded to find her post had
unexpectedly gone viral.
that many others who had opted for unconventional dresses, or were considering
doing so, might be hurt by the hateful comments, the bride took action against
the bullying, confronting it directly.
blush pink dress attracted attention, though not the kind she had hoped for.
Amidst millions of views and a barrage of comments, both she and her cherished
gown became the subject of online ridicule and hate. She expressed:
was bewildered by the comments because I simply didn’t expect it to go viral.
I’m not an influencer, and didn’t understand why so many people cared about what
dress I wore or why they thought it was so controversial.”
confessed to scrolling through the comments, where she encountered online users
branding her rose-colored gown as "ugly," "outdated," and
even "trashy." Shockingly, someone went as far as to express they
would have reconsidered the wedding if they were the groom.
also questioned why she was "trying so hard," with the barrage of
rude comments seeming never-ending. One user wrote:
biggest fear is being a bridesmaid and the bride [wears something] like this,
watching our reaction, and I need to pretend it looks good.”
likened her dress to toilet paper and declared it a "big no" in their
books. Nevertheless, Lescai remained steadfast in her adoration for her dress,
refusing to let the opinions of others tarnish her own.
her teenage years, the bride grappled with self-confidence, but now in her
thirties, she's found a firmer footing. Her concern lay in the potential impact
of the hate on other women who, like her, desired to wear a distinctive dress
on their special day.
that many others who had opted for unconventional dresses, or were considering
doing so, might be hurt by the hateful comments, the bride took action against
the bullying, confronting it head-on.
than retreating from the negative comments, Lescai bravely posted a series of
clips in response to those who likened her dress to toilet paper and expressed
other cruel opinions.
initiated her response by addressing the nasty comments from accounts hiding
behind usernames, shielding their real identities. Lescai believed that their
courage to criticize stemmed from the anonymity they enjoyed, so she decided to
reveal them. She explained:
might think that I should expect negative comments after posting anything
online, but the flip argument [is] if you make nasty comments online, you
should expect to be held to account. This was my way of taking the power back.”
Lescai brought the hateful comments to light and humorously addressed her
detractors, she also expressed gratitude for the numerous positive commenters.
She hoped that her story would inspire others to embrace their uniqueness.
members of the online community expressed gratitude towards the courageous
bride. Her videos served as inspiration, and they were grateful for her standing
up to the bullies. Users also lauded Lescai, applauding her actions:
wedding dress is stunning!”
– (Mon) December 1, 2022
style is AMAZING!! Never let them dim your shine.”
– (Eliza) December 1, 2022
looked like you belonged on the cover of Vogue Wedding Edition! bold and
– (GracieLouFreebushGal) December 2, 2022
never had the opportunity to date or the chance to get married, but I thought
your dress was beautiful and you looked gorgeous.”
– (IceBlueSnowySkys) December 3, 2022
wore a pink dress on my wedding day as well – I felt beautiful and like myself.
You glow in that dress – it’s gorgeous, and so are you!”
– (Molly Milazzo) January 5, 2022
… you look BEAUTIFUL. It’s so different, and I love it! Ignore all the trolls
here, please. They’re what is wrong with today’s world.”
– (Lauren Ann Marie) January 6, 2022
gorgeous!!!! I absolutely love that you stayed true to yourself and your style
for YOUR day. The end result was perfection.”
– (randijohnsey) January 8, 2022
absolutely love this dress! People are always going to have something shady to
say. Regardless you got everyone’s attention! Keep doing you, girl!”
– (Chad Cummins) January 15, 2022
Lescai's courageous response to online hate, she observed that many of her
critics had removed their comments. Hopefully, her actions will prompt more
people to reconsider before engaging in online negativity. Well done, Lescai.
Your distinctive style is both stunning and inspiring!
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