Family Finds Abandoned Cat On The Street – Look Closer And Realize It’s Not A Regular Kitten

This heartwarming story from 2016 is too delightful not to share. In Thailand, a tiny newborn kitten was spotted wandering the streets alone. A nearby family, out for an evening stroll, noticed the little one and decided to help.

Upon closer inspection, they realized this was no ordinary cat, as it looked different from any other kittens they had seen. The family contacted the Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand (WFFT), an animal organization, which quickly sent a representative to examine the animal.

After a thorough investigation, the group determined that the animal was a fishing cat, a rare and endangered species.

This "wild cat" has a love for aquatic life and can grow to be twice the size of a typical domestic cat. It is particularly fond of hunting and eating fish, which is how it got its name.

According to Wikipedia, the fishing cat (Prionailurus viverrinus) is a medium-sized wild cat native to South and Southeast Asia. It has been listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List since 2016. The species faces a significant threat from the loss of wetlands, leading to a drastic decline in their population over the past decade. Fishing cats are typically found near wetlands, such as swamps, mangroves, oxbow lakes, and along rivers and streams.

WFFT discovered that the kitten had only been out of the womb for a few hours when the family found him. The organization’s experts were puzzled by how the mother could have abandoned her newborn, as this behavior is unusual for the species.

The unique cat quickly won over the family, who were granted permission to keep him for a trial period. They named him Simba, and it was clear that he felt a strong bond with the household.

The family kept a watchful eye out for the kitten's mother, expecting her return at any moment to search for her young.

Regretfully, it never took place.

Instead, the family nursed Simba themselves, and he grew into a magnificent fishing cat. Thankfully, Simba is alive and thriving as of now, but it's essential that he continues to grow and develop.

According to the WFFT, poaching and retaliation killing are the primary causes behind Thailand's alarming 84% mortality rate among Fishing Cats. Therefore, Simba's survival and rescue are not only miraculous but also crucial for the preservation of his species.

You can find a video showcasing more rescued kittens here. While they may not be fishermen, they are still incredibly adorable.

Just like humans, animals are living beings, and their presence is vital for the balance of nature. If you agree, please consider sharing this story!

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