The red squirrel, sometimes known as the Eurasian
red squirrel. It is a species of tree squirrel found across Eurasia. The red
squirrel is a rodent that lives in trees and eats mostly plants. Numbers have
dropped dramatically in the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Italy in recent years.

Seeing a squirrel in the outdoors is always
wonderful, but we seldom get to see the adorable critters up and personal. Most
of the time, you might only witness a flash of fluffy red fur racing across the
forest floor or scrambling up a tree. Swedish photographer Johnny Kääpä, on the other hand, has won the
trust of his neighborhood squirrels who now approach his camera and pose for
Kääpä has spent years befriending red squirrels to
photograph them at their most natural. When he initially started shooting them,
he used long lenses to catch them from a distance. Now, he uses shorter lenses
and even fisheye lenses to get the beautiful animals up close.
Kääpä's photographs taken throughout the seasons
depict the personal lives of squirrels all year round. These bright-eyed and
bushy-tailed squirrels are undoubtedly busy from hunting for nuts to climbing
trees. They do, however, have plenty of time to play. Kääpä's photographs
demonstrate how curious they are about his camera. They approach him and stare
directly into his lens, resulting in beautiful pictures that catch their
expressive expressions in great detail.
Squirrels are also highly nimble creatures who enjoy
jumping between trees. One of Kääpä's pictures, in particular, illustrates this
trait most amusingly. The photograph, titled Super Hero, depicts a
squirrel that appears to have just landed like Superman. The worthy photograph
was one of the finalists in The
Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards, and it is sure to put a grin on your
face. Kääpä aspires for just that he said, “I have a bit of a following on
social media and I once calculated that if I make my follower smile for just
one second, and it’s a grin that lasts for three hours every day,”
Check out Kääpä's squirrel photographs below and
follow him on Instagram
for more attractiveness.
Johnny Kääpä, a Swedish photographer captures the
lively attitude of red squirrels in his up-close pictures.

The adorable animals frequently approach him and
stare directly into his lens. This one looks like a warrior! Kääpä's portfolio depicts the daily life of
squirrels all year.
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