Photographer Captured The Friendship Between A Brown Bear And A Grey Wolf

Lassi Rautiainen, a Finnish photographer documented the surprising friendship between a male brown bear and a female grey wolf. This strange friendship was documented in 2013. The couple was seen hunting together, walking together and sharing with each other. 

Both of them often share a convivial carcass meal with each other during the evenings.

Image credits & further info: kesava |

They at least hung out throughout 10 days.

“It’s very unusual to see a bear and a wolf getting on like this” the photographer Lassi Rautiainen, shared his experience about the photos with the Daily Mail in 2013. “From what I could find, it’s actually the first time, at least in Europe, where such a friendship was developed.”

“No-one can know exactly why or how the young wolf and bear became friends,” he said. “I think that perhaps they were both alone and they were young and a bit unsure of how to survive alone…It is nice to share rare events in the wild that you would never expect to see.”

Lassi's guess might be almost correct. But, yet we can't come to a conclusion on this wild matter since there are no scientific studies based on it.

“It seems to me that they feel safe being together,” Lassi continued.

The two families of these two species are meant to scare everything at their dual meet-up. But, here in this case the male bear and the female wolf have considered themselves as friends who are focused on the softer side of one another. 

They were not only seen when sharing dinner but also when playing. 

These images are really heart touching and these prove that friendship has no limits. 

Strange images show both of them sharing their meals in leisure together.

Personally, for me this is a friendship that has a Disney origin.

Nature never stops surprising us. Though we're baffled, the pair seems to enjoy their life a lot. 

“No one can know exactly why or how the young wolf and bear became friends,” stated Lassi. “I think that perhaps they were both alone and they were young and a bit unsure of how to survive alone”.

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