65 Perfect Photographs Of Maine Coons, The Largest Domesticated Cats In The World

Were you aware about the Maine Coon cats before? However, if you're interested in having a mini lion at your home, have a go at finding one of these prestigious lofty cats. They are extremely beautiful and big in size. 

They are something in between a lynx and a cat. They have fluffy paws and interesting characteristics. These cats are also called ‘the Gentle Giants'. You will never be able to find a cat breed bigger than Maine Coons in the world.

They have delicate qualities, similar to "dogs". Therefore, they are funny and loving. We thought of sharing a gallery of these unique Maine Coon cats that was shot on camera by a photographer named Robert Sijka.

He too is an extreme cat lover and it's the fact that has made him interested in cat photography. This was an aftereffect of a transition to China that his family made 14 years ago. They've started missing their time with animals and therefore his wife Izabella has begun a breeding program 8 years back. This was the initial Maine Coon cattery in China.

Sijka's adventure begins with the conceival of the primary litter of cats. He started capturing uncommon cat features that are able to help his present style. As to what he explained, he receives incredible joy from working together with these fluffy creatures.

According to him, the hidden genuine mystery behind his photography is patience. He faces a lot of obstacles when taking these snaps and he even spends two or more hours taking several pics to get one perfect.

The most ideal approach to these cats is to make them play. Sijka does a great deal with such attempts. 

Sijka's aim is to express various expressions and feelings spilling out of the eyes of cats. His main focus is the cats and nothing else. Therefore, he has set a complicated light setting to enhance the effect of the photos. He says that he pursues Albert Einstein’s maxim: 

“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler” 

You have the chance to have a look at his telephone covers, prints and some other fancy items in the Felis Gallery. Now, let's have a look at his amazing snaps below, to get to know why they charm individuals all around the world:

Further information: Felis Gallery by Robert Sijka


































































All photographs were taken via Robert Sijka.

Sources of the information: educateinspirechange.org | moon-child.net | mymodernmet.com | felisgallery.com | www.catbehaviourist.com

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