Artist Generates Such Intricate Sand Sculptures People Are Mistaken Them For Real Life Animals

Everything met is a perfect medium for you, if you are an artist. Even though we are delighted after building a sandcastle at the beach, Bastarrika is not satisfied as we are. He is very ambitious in his work and they roam all around the natural world. Scroll the cursor up and down to see the best productions of him from the bull to the shark. Bastarrika has sculptured the world’s best work by unearthing something beyond animals.
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According to Bastarrika, the journey of his artistic taste of sand had begun in the summer of 2010 on the beach along with two girls. He has first sculptured a mermaid and while engaging in the work he had been able to identify the gift of his hands—his hands and the ‘fluidity’ of them. He told Bored Panda. "I devoted myself to developing this gift and have spent the last 10 years doing just that.”
Bastarrika posted on Facebook, "The sand fascinates me because no matter how you look at it, it will always teach you things if you are willing to learn." "In order to create a sculpture, an unthinkable number of sand particles participate, hugging each other tightly through humidity, so that someone could model their union. And once the artist steps back, its piece will remain at the mercy of nature, meaning that sooner or later the wind will dry them up and release each particle, slowly consuming all the individuality and authenticity."
Bastarrika says even though he finds so many reasons to be attracted to sand, this work is considered the main creation. He believes that mankind should act in this manner. "To create a beautiful world, we should all embrace each other just as tightly."
"There are a lot of reasons why I like to make animal sculptures as well, but one is the fact that animals are free spirits," Bastarrika shared, explaining that animals are creatures with great wisdom, not only unique beauty. "Humans can reflect and learn from them."
"Then, there's the nudity they bring with themselves to this world at birth which they keep until their death. That nudity -- at least to me -- symbolizes freedom, the essential ingredient to being able to truly live. Humans 'overdress' to survive in a lot of ways. I have never made nor will I make an animal with a necklace or chains. I prefer to embrace their freedom, power, and wisdom through beauty rather than a form of suffering."
He starts by heaping up moist sand and shaping it to get its expression, and the next steps of making it alive. After this discovery of the work, with the use of a sharpened stick and a feather he deepens the same expression in order to give birth to it. In some instances materials such as ashes, clay powder, stone powder of various colors, coal powder, shards of grass and much more are used to make it more live.
"The time it takes to create one piece largely depends on its size," Bastarrika stated. "The elephant, for example, took me 2 days, while the horse and the bison took 12 hours each. The dogs, which were smaller, needed about 6 to 8 hours."

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